Category: Video

Our Movie List

Over the past year I’ve been collecting a list of movies for the kids. It was a chore every Friday to try and find a movie we all could agree on.

Having this list as a go to has really made life easier. I can’t vouch for all these movies, there are many on the list we have not seen, but I separate those pretty clearly. Hopefully others will find this list useful 🙂

Please feel free to comment and share your favorite movies or options about the ones listed here.
I tried to verify the age appropriate and violence content of these films mostly using Common Sense Media. But for films that did not come up on their list I had to use other sources.

~Movies we love: Continue reading “Our Movie List”

Simple Winter Puppet Show

Puppet shows can be as simple or as complicated as you’d like. If there are some peg dolls around you can use them as the characters. Even your children little wooden, plastic or stuffed animals. Simple pieces of cloth or scarves work for sky and scenery. I like to check the thrift stores for real silk scarves, I have even found some beautifully handprinted ones for under a dollar.

This video is a wonderful example of a truly simple and lovely puppet show by Starfuldolls.

Jack O Lantern

Jack O Lantern

Jack O Lantern, Jack O lantern
You are such a lovely sight
Sitting up upon the window
And your light out at the night.

Once you were a yellow pumpkin
Sitting on a sturdy vine
Now you are a Jack O lantern,
And in the night you will shine.

Long Legged Sailor -Clapping

Hand clapping game

Have you ever, ever, ever in your short legged life seen a short legged sailor with a short legged wife?
No I’ve never, never, never in my short legged life seen a short legged sailor with a short legged wife.
Have you ever, ever, ever in your long legged life seen a long legged sailor with a long legged wife?
No I’ve never, never, never, in my long legged life seen a long legged sailor with a long legged wife.
Have you ever, ever, ever, in your knock-kneed life seen a knock-kneed sailor with a knock-kneed wife?
No I’ve never, never, never in my knock-kneed life seen a knock-kneed sailor with a knock-kneed wife
Have you ever, ever, ever in your short legged life seen a long legged sailor with a knock-kneed wife?
No I’ve never, never, never in my short legged life seen a long legged sailor with a knock-kneed wife.

When you say “Short legged” make a short distance between your hands. When you say “Long legged” you make a longer distance between your hands. When you say ”Knock-kneed” you touch your elbows together.

Miss Mary Mack -Clapping

Hand clapping game

Miss Mary Mack
Miss Mary Mack, Mack, Mack
All dressed in black, black, black
With silver buttons, buttons, buttons
All down her back, back, back
She asked her mother, mother, mother
For fifty cents, cents, cents
To see the elephants, elephants, elephants
Jump over the fence, fence, fence
They jumped so high, high, high
They touched the sky, sky, sky
And didn’t come back, back, back
Till the fourth of July, July, July

Miss Susie -clapping

Hand clapping game

Miss Susie had a steamboat
the steamboat had a bell
Miss Susie went to heaven
the steamboat went to…
Hello operator please give me number nine
and if you disconnect me
I’ll kick you from…
behind the refrigerator there was a piece of glass
Miss Susie fell upon it and cut her little…
ask me no more questions
tell me no more lies
Miss Susie told me everything the day before she…
Dyed her hair in purple,
dyed her hair pink,
dyed her hair in polka-dots
and washed it down the…
Sink me in the ocean,
Sink me in the sea,
Sink me in/down the toilet,
But please don’t pee on me!Another version:
Miss Suzie had a baby, The baby’s name was Tim,
She put him in the bathtub, to see if he could swim,
He drank up all the water, He ate up all the soap,
He tried to eat the bathtub,
but it wouldn’t go down his throat
Miss Suzie called the doctor, Miss Suzie tried the nurse,
Miss Suzie called the lady with the alligator purse,
Mumps said the doctor, Measles said the nurse,
Nothing said the lady with the alligator purse,
Miss Suzie kicked the doctor, Miss suzie hit the nurse,
And then she paid the lady with the alligator purse

This one has questionable language

Lemonade -Clapping

Hand clapping game

Crunchy ice
Sip it once (Up Down Clap)
Sip it twice (Up Down Clap)
Lemonade (Up Down Clap)
Crunchy Ice (Up Down Clap)
Made it once (Up Down Clap)
Made it twice (Up Down Clap)
Turn around (Turn around)
Touch the ground (Touch the ground)
Kick your boyfriend out of town!
Freeze!Another variation can be played as a group:Lemonade, crunchy ice
Beat it once, beat it twice.
Lemonade, crunchy ice
Beat it once, beat it twice.
Turn around, touch the ground, FREEZE.”Lemonade” is a clapping game that can be played traditionally with 2 children or with several kids all together. To play in a group the children will clap three times after these words – lemonade, crunchy ice, beat it once, beat it twice. After that the lines are repeated except you don’t need to clap three times at the end. The game ends by turning around, touching the ground and then freezing. The first one to move is out.

Down, Down, Baby -Clapping

Hand Clapping Game

Down, down, baby
Down, down the roller coaster
(make horizontal wave motion with hands)
Sweet, sweet, baby
(crossing both arms across the chest)
I’ll never let you go
Shimmy, Shimmy cocoa pop
Shimmy, Shimmy pow
Shimmy, Shimmy cocoa pop
Shimmy, Shimmy pow
Grandma, grandma sick in bed
She called the doctor and the doctor said
Let’s get the rhythm of the head, ding dong
(rock the head to each side once in time with “ding-dong”)
Let’s get the rhythm of the head, ding dong
(rock the head to each side once in time with “ding-dong”)
Let’s get the rhythm of the hands
(then clap hands two times)
Let’s get the rhythm of the hands
(then clap hands two times)
Let’s get the rhythm of the feet
(stomp the right foot, then the left)
Let’s get the rhythm of the feet
(stomp the right foot, then the left)
Let’s get the rhythm of the hot dog
(place hands on hips and twirl)
Let’s get the rhythm of the hot dog
(place hands on hips and twirl)
Put it all together and what do you get?
Ding dong
(accompanied by head rock),
(then clap hands two times),
(Then stomp feet two times),
hot dog
(accompanied by hip twirl)
Put it all backwards and what do you get?
Hot dog
(accompanied by hip twirl),
(followed by two stomps),
(followed by two claps),
ding dong
(accompanied by head rock)

“I Had a Little Turtle”

I Had a Little Turtle

I had a little Turtle,
His name was Tiny Tim.

I put him in the bathtub,
To see if he could swim.

He drank up all the water.
He ate up all the soap.

Now he’s home sick in bed
With bubbles in his throat.

Bubble bubble bubble
Bubble bubble pop.