Category: Mornings

“In soft morning light”

“In soft morning light”

2996bbd61f90c17979f0dcddab72aaf8 Art by Margaret Tarrant

In soft morning light, the stars fade away.

The birds soon awake. This is a new day.

Awake, awake, shine like the sun.

Give light and love to everyone.

Down is the earth, up is the sky.

There are my friends, and here am I.

Good morning to you, and good morning to me.

“The Sun is in My Heart”

“The Sun is in My Heart”


The sun is in my heart,
He (she) warms me with his (her) power.
And wakens life and love
In bird and beast and flower.
On the earth I stand upright
With joy I greet the morning sun
Who shines with love on every one
Who shines in the sky, on the land and sea,
And who fills me with light
When he (she) shines on me.
Good morning to you
And good morning to me.

“Morning Prayer”

“Morning Prayer”

~Ogden Nash


Now another day is breaking,

Sleep was sweet and so is waking.

Dear Lord, I promised you last night

Never again to sulk or fight.

Such vows are easier to keep

When a child is sound asleep.

Today, O Lord, for your dear sake,

I’ll try to keep them when awake.