Category: Nature

Paper Water Lilies, really bloom in water

These lovely water lilies really open up and seem to bloom in water! This is by far one of our favorite homeschool lessons.

Paper Water LiliesMaking the lilies was simple. Using the book All Year Round for inspiration, I cut out the leaf and water lily shapes. Without telling the kids what we were doing, I gave them each a flower and we colored them with crayons. I told them to color the flower anyway they liked, but to leave the back blank.

Continue reading “Paper Water Lilies, really bloom in water”

Easter Grass

One of my holiday traditions is growing Easter Grass in our baskets. It is so lovely and the kids always enjoy doing it.

1) Mark the calendar for about 1 1/2-2 weeks before Easter.

2) Line the basket with something like a few layers of cheesecloth or a scrap of rag to hold the dirt.

3) Let the kids scoop their dirt in and then sprinkle some wheat grass seeds (or raw wheat berries) over the top. We spread them pretty thick.

4) Sprinkle a little more dirt on top and water.

5) Keep them well watered and in a warm place. I’ve had a lot of luck keeping them in a large plastic tub by the window to be sure they stay moist and warm.

The grass should be nice and tall by Easter!





On the Road Again

Diving again. Given that this is how we spent most of this trip… figured I should share some photos from the car 🙂


Eating on the road can be challenging too, as a gluten-free family. It was nice to find this Gluten-Free Cafe in Baton Rouge


After much backroads driving, we finally found one! It’s a little hard to see, but that there be a real Louisiana gator.



We loved Mississippi, really. We found a cute little artsy beach town. This post could also be called, “what camping in a Prius in the hot south really looks like! We found a really lovely little rest area, but boy is it hot!




Spanish moss gnomes beard