Down, Down, Baby -Clapping

Hand Clapping Game

Down, down, baby
Down, down the roller coaster
(make horizontal wave motion with hands)
Sweet, sweet, baby
(crossing both arms across the chest)
I’ll never let you go
Shimmy, Shimmy cocoa pop
Shimmy, Shimmy pow
Shimmy, Shimmy cocoa pop
Shimmy, Shimmy pow
Grandma, grandma sick in bed
She called the doctor and the doctor said
Let’s get the rhythm of the head, ding dong
(rock the head to each side once in time with “ding-dong”)
Let’s get the rhythm of the head, ding dong
(rock the head to each side once in time with “ding-dong”)
Let’s get the rhythm of the hands
(then clap hands two times)
Let’s get the rhythm of the hands
(then clap hands two times)
Let’s get the rhythm of the feet
(stomp the right foot, then the left)
Let’s get the rhythm of the feet
(stomp the right foot, then the left)
Let’s get the rhythm of the hot dog
(place hands on hips and twirl)
Let’s get the rhythm of the hot dog
(place hands on hips and twirl)
Put it all together and what do you get?
Ding dong
(accompanied by head rock),
(then clap hands two times),
(Then stomp feet two times),
hot dog
(accompanied by hip twirl)
Put it all backwards and what do you get?
Hot dog
(accompanied by hip twirl),
(followed by two stomps),
(followed by two claps),
ding dong
(accompanied by head rock)