Category: Sewing

Bumble Bee Superhero Doll

A very dear friend asked if I could make her daughter a little girl version of the Bumble Bee Superhero. While looking for material for her costume, I was excited to find the old golden colored silk pants I’d recently bought at a thrift shop. We wanted her to look childlike instead of sexy, so I decided a romper would do the trick. After talking back and forth a bit, this is what we came up with.

I can not tell you how much I enjoyed the process -especially since it was only my second needle felted fiber art doll face. In fact, I had not even heard the name “Fiber Art Doll” yet. I just wanted to see if I could make one 🙂 After breaking a dozen needles and stabbing myself as many times… This little one was born. Truly made with love.

The clothing was also very fun. The undergarments were made from a very soft cotton shirt. Her wings and boots are wool felt. For the sweeter I found bamboo and silk yarn. It was so soft and easy to knit, I keep looking for excuses to make new doll sweaters out of it. I’m not the most efficient patten maker, so there were a few do-overs -but in the end, I love the result. 

Shipping her off to North Carolina I felt closer to my friend. It’s lovely giving something meaningful to a person who has spent her life fighting for justice and spreading love. It warms my heart knowing she is now a mother. If ever there was a lucky baby girl, it is the one. She is being raised by parents so passionate and kind. I feel blessed to be a part of their lives. All these many miles away, I am happy knowing her daughter is playing with this little doll.