Category: DIY

My first Waldorf Sculpted Art Doll

What a fun experience! This little baby boy is a gift for my son. He’s my first attempt at a Waldorf inspired sculpted art doll. The face is made in a similar way to a more traditional Waldorf doll, but then the face is sculpted using thread and wool felting. Once the skin fabric was sewn on he really came to life! Given how enjoyable it was to work on this face, I know there will be many more to come

I will prepare tutorial to help you make one as well. Hope to have it ready soon 🙂

Continue reading “My first Waldorf Sculpted Art Doll”


Oobleck is a wonderful and very messy activity. You can grab it fast and it seems solid, then let it turn into a liquid and drip between your fingers. In a warm climate like ours, we let it dry outside and rehydrate it the next day. In cooler areas it might mold if you leave it out.

It has always been a dream of mine to find a source for past-its-expiration-date cornstarch so that we can fill a small kiddy pool with Oobleck and walk on it! A girl can dream.

1 Cup water
2 Cups cornstarch
a few drops food coloring

Mix together and play!




Art bin

Recently I put together a random art bin for the kids to use anytime. It defiantly needs to be organized better, but for now it is working wonderfully. I just put some supplies I don’t mind them using anytime, including some scraps and even recyclables.

I highly recommend it.



Raw (almost) Banana Ice Cream

To me, this is haven. My family, sunshine, music and delicious vegan banana ice cream. These cones are not raw 🙂 but they are gluten-free. We make the ice cream by blending frozen bananas with some vanilla and chocolate chips. SO yummy.

After eating, our son turned his daddy into a faithful steed

